If you’re like me and half the population right now, you may be trying to find ways to stay healthy while working from home. I’m sharing my best tips for how you can start your day right and healthy!
Yoga + Meditate
This is one of my favorite things to do when I first wake up. It’s so important to get into the right headspace and with so many negative thoughts and news articles there! Clearing my thoughts and meditating on the priorities has helped quite a bit.
Yoga is great for the body especially if you may be sitting or in more uncomfortable poses for longer (anyone else hunched over the computer?). Stretch and let your muscles relax with yoga! Yoga helps with flexibility and loosening your muscles, which is important in the day-to-day as well as when working out. No one wants a cluttered mind and a tight body!
Gulp Some Warm Lemon Water
I just wrote a whole article on the benefits of drinking warm lemon water and why it’s the first thing I do once I’m out of bed. But, you’ll want to take my word for it. Drinking warm lemon water helps your body in more than a few ways and it’s the perfect way to get your day started!
Eat a Healthy Breakfast
Once I’ve had my lemon water and finished up meditating and yoga, it’s on to breakfast. I’m a huge snacker and it’s oh-so-tempting to snack throughout the day! I’ve been doubling my water intake which helps. However, trying to have larger and healthier meals full of good for you carbs and proteins is crucial. Here are my favorite healthy breakfast ideas!
Get Active
Who else feels so much healthier and motivated after a workout? I love the feeling and have been trying to do at-home workouts since quarantine started. The morning is a prime time to get your workout in (or some action outside) as your body is more likely to burn higher calories. As the day continues, you’re also more likely to push off for my important to-do’s (guilty!), but you’ll love the feeling after being active and it’s the best way to start your day on a high.
It’s perfectly okay to not workout but getting outside and being active will help both your mind and body. Walk the dog, go for a run, take a bike ride, or other fun ideas that don’t feel like a workout but get your body active and loving the warmer spring weather.

Create a Routine
I love a routine and it’s been harder to get on one since working from home. I’m sure a lot of you can relate! It’s hard to feel motivated when your day doesn’t have a schedule, so I make sure to add in a workout, full meals, time to rest, and work into my day!
Limit Snacks
I’m SUCH a snacker. Who else? Eating a full breakfast (and full, consistent meals) will make a huge difference. I’m also less likely to grab a bag of chips now that i’m drinking a lot of water (with lemon, of course) throughout the day.
I can’t completely give up snacks, though. I’ve been filling my cabinets with healthier options that don’t make me feel guilty or bloated. Reaching for an apple with peanut butter vs. cheese and crackers make my mind and body feel so much better! Try to limit stocking your pantry with unhealthy options and look for something that is tasty and good for your body.
Maintain Work-Life-Rest Balance
Working at home can cause unnecessary stress because, well, you’re working from home. It’s hard to step away from your computer since it’s on the kitchen table and you have the ability to work all the time. Even though you may feel more productive, it’s not a healthy alternative! Try to have set hours for working and set hours for everyday life and rest.
I like to give myself an extra hour or two after waking up so I can meditate, workout, and eat breakfast. These are really important to the success of my day and once I’ve accomplished them, I hit the computer to work. After 4pm, I’m done for the day and this is when I focus on cleaning the house, cooking, calling friends, and more.
Some days, I don’t have a perfect or exact schedule. It will change throughout the week but what is important is that I have a to-do list and schedule set for the day. It gives some clarity and motivation to finish!
Be Gentle With Yourself
I’ve seen so many posts about how now is the time to be productive. If you go through this quarantine without succeeding in something, or finishing a project, or completing that course, you were just unmotivated. That is not the case and not how it works. Be gentle with yourself and find what works for you. If you spent a whole day watching Netflix and eating Ben & Jerry’s to deal with a global pandemic, that’s okay. Mental health is of utmost importance and checking in on yourself is crucial.
We are all dealing with this quarantine in different ways. But – I can guarantee, if you find time to get outside, go for a walk, meditate, you will feel better!